Featured Customer Testimonial
“It was just like eating a regular blended meal. Easy on my stomach. I felt completely satisfied… No nausea. These meals will be so vital to me when I’m traveling! They’re easy to pack. They are shelf-stable, without needing refrigeration. Seriously, EVERY TUBIE NEEDS TO GO OUT AND BUY THESE BLENDS!!!!”
– Brian L.
I gave him 60mls over 15 minutes. That’s a HUGE step for him! He used to only be able to handle 70mls and hour and with using the feeding pump to deliver his feeds.
– Khale
“I am already noticing a huge difference!! I don’t feel sick at all when I do a feeding which is huge! Also, I am beginning to feel hunger again.”
– April S.
“(Real Food Blends) makes shelf-stable, 100% real food meals for people with feeding tubes. Christian has tried them and he loves them!”
– Lacey & Christian
“We usually struggle to get 8 oz in of formula because she is too full but she was able to take a whole (Real Food Blends) packet without a peep!”
– Tracy & Peyton
No Corn Syrup, Dairy, Nuts,
Soy, or Preservatives.
“I can already tell these are going to be a lifesaver for when we travel or get in an unexpected bind. Thank you, thank you. Thank you!”
– Tammy C. & Bryce
![Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 1.36.17 PM](
“Our 2 year old son had no weight gain for 6 months straight, but after starting Real Food Blends, he gained 9 ounces in 2 weeks!!”
– Keaton
![Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 1.08.10 PM](
“Above and beyond how happy she is with the real food, I am noticing a dramatic improvement in her bowel movements. The “bm” issue has been huge for us for years and to see her great improvement makes me so very happy. Thank you for changing our lives!!”
– Kenzie
“This is my son Gage. He has had a feeding tube all his life. Gage wasn’t gaining any weight with his regular formula. He needed to gain weight for his facial surgeries. When we started using real food he finally started to gain weight after 3 years of weighting the same. Now next month he is able to have another surgery thanks to real food blends.”
– Gage
“My first Real Food Blends meal was a hit. Both mommy and Noah are big fans!”
– Angeline & Noah C.
“Thank you so much Real Food Blends!! Scottie enjoys them so much! He tolerated them very well – they smell and taste good too!”
– Jackie & Scottie
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